Streamline and Save on Your Recyling with The Recy Group!

save money on waste management by maximizing recycling rebates


The Recy Group provides streamlined recycling services to businesses nationwide. We handle all of your waste management and recycling needs on one bill.

Our innovative recycling processes allow us to help you earn while you ditch the landfill. We provide the maximum rebates for your recycling, ensuring that your recycling practices save you money!


Zero-Waste is Possible!

Here at The Recy Group, we are committed to helping our customers achieve their sustainability goals.

Our 2024 Guide to Zero-Waste outlines our process to help our customers meet the sustainability goals that many companies now require their vendors to demonstrate.

We also can assist with TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Certification to help your business earn the most respected credential in the industry.

Having the TRUE certification will save valuable time when applying for contracts that require demonstrated sustainability practices.

Schedule a Free Waste Audit